3 Proven Activities to Develop the Reading Skills of Your Kid at Home

tips to improve your kids reading skills

Reading is an essential part of student’s growth and development. But kids should master reading. Some kids develop a keen sense of observation and pick up many phrases and words that we adults use every day. That doesn’t mean that they will master reading too. In this blog, we are going to give you parents 3 great activities that will develop the reading skills of your kid.

All the activities that we suggest further in the blog revolve around having fun. That is because we’re all about holistic development. Not just that, we don’t want kids to perceive learning as a tiring process. This is why, at Skill Stork, we do all we can to make education as fun as possible. Now, let’s talk more about what you need to do at home to improve your child’s reading skills

Make a habit of reading books aloud

Storybooks are a great way to keep your kids engaged. Storybooks have detailed and fun illustrations that will help them visualise the scenario while observing the words that you read aloud. Here are a few tips to make this activity fun:

  • Try to engage your kids by imitating characters
  • Make sure to read slowly and clearly
  • Connect with them and ask questions such as the meanings of certain words
  • Point out the characters’ actions while reading the text aloud

Set goals

Try making a fun calendar or a checklist of a specific book. Make sure to record the activity every day, either by ticking the checklists or the day after doing the reading activity. It will increase your kids’ anticipation factor and make them invest interest in the activity. While doing this, also create a module around the activity, such as enacting the scenes or asking questions from the story to see if they’re following.

Find out what your kids’ interests are

Before buying books for your kids, make sure to spend some time analysing what they like. Not all kids are the same and don’t probably want to read stories. Your kids might be attracted to cartoons and comics. In that case, buy a bunch of comic books too. The great thing about comics is that most of them are divided into series. This breaks down the monotony of following just one book and gets them invested in the activity. 

We hope that this blog has helped you. If you have trouble beginning the process at home, worry not! Connect with our best IB school faculty, and they will guide you through how to create interest in your kid to follow the activity along. Happy reading!

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